Complementary therapies add an extra dimension of care to our commitment of nurturing the body, mind, and spirit.
These non-invasive, holistic practices do not replace medical, social, or spiritual care. Rather, they promote comfort and
wholeness for those in bereavement.
Creative Arts Therapies
There are times when words are simply not enough to communicate or to provide the support that we need.
Creative Arts Therapies help both children and adults find a voice to express emotion, to communicate important messages,
and to be supported in their unique, and often difficult, journeys.
Art Therapy
Art Therapy is often integrated into the bereavement care. Through
the use of art media, images, and the creative art process, children and adults explore and express emotion in safe,
non-verbal, and symbolic ways.
Music Therapy
Music is a powerful element of life – it energizes, soothes,
restores, and nurtures. When used within bereavement sessions, it becomes a powerful tool for physical, emotional, and
spiritual care.
Biofield Therapies
Therapeutic application of the biofield is a process during which the practitioner
place his or her hands either directly on, or in close proximity to, the physical body of the person being treated, while
engaging the biofield from the practitioner's hands with the recipient's biofield for purposes of either promoting general
health or treating a specific dysfunction. (Taken from the report to the NIH on Alternative Medical Systems and Practices
in the US).
Examples of Biofield Therapy can be seen in Therapeutic Touch (TT), Reiki, Healing Touch (HT),
Qigong, Huna, Mari-El, Shen Therapy, Polarity Therapy, & Natural Healing.
Biofield therapy is being extensively researched and is used by many healthcare professionals
as a nonevasive means of healing. Bereavement counselors have found that this form of therapy aids in opening emotional
blockages that prevent the client from progressing through their grief journey.
Massage Therapy