Consolation of Christ Bereavement Ministry

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The Rosary of the Seven Sorrows of Mary

Prayers to assist in the grief journey

The Servite Rosary of the Seven Sorrows

The Seven Sorrows of Mary

O, my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, behold me before your divine presence, all in confusion at the thought of the many grievous injuries I have done you. I ask pardon for them with my whole heart, repenting of them for love of you, hating them above every other evil and ready to lose my life rather than offend you again. And do you, most tender Virgin, mother of mercy and refuge of sinners, obtain for me the pardon of all my sins by virtue of your bitter pains and help me to so pray as to gain the indulgences attached to this, your most holy Rosary.

Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and enkindle in them the fire of you divine love. Send forth you spirit and they shall be created and you shall renew the face of the earth.

The First Sorrow:
Let us meditate on the first Sorrow of the Blessed Virgin, when she presented her only son in the temple, laid him in the arms of holy Simeon, and heard
the prophetic words, "This one shall be a sword of sorrow to pierce your own

The Second Sorrow:
Mary flees into Egypt with Jesus and Joseph-
Forced to endure the hardships of a long journey, and becoming a foreigner in a strange land, Mary and her family flee to protect the child Jesus from those who would destroy him.

The Third Sorrow:
Mary seeks Jesus lost in Jerusalem-
Jesus disappeared for three days in Jerusalem at the age of twelve, causing his parents, especially Mary, agonizing sorrow.

The Fourth Sorrow:
Mary meets Jesus on the way to Calvary-
As Jesus makes his way to Calvary, condemned to crucifixion, He meets His mother, Mary. He is bruised, derided, cursed and defiled and her sorrow is absolute as Jesus drags His own cross up the hill of His crucifixion.

The Fifth Sorrow:
Mary stands near the cross of her Son-
Mary stands near her dying Son unable to minister to him as he cries "I thirst". She hears him promise heaven to a thief and forgive his enemies. His last words, "Behold your mother," charge us to look on Mary as our mother.

The Sixth Sorrow:
Mary received the body of Jesus taken down from the cross-
The passion and death are over but for his mother, grief continues. She holds His body in her arms.

The Seventh Sorrow:
Mary places the body of Jesus in the tomb, awaiting the resurrection-
The most tragic day in history ends, Mary alone in sorrow, as she lays the body of her Son, in the tomb.


Shepherd Me O God (Psalm 23) #31
by Marty Haugen

Shepherd me, O God, beyond my needs, beyond my wants, from death into life.

God is my shepherd, so nothing shall I want,
I rest in the meadows of faithfulness and love,
I walk by the quiet waters of peace.

Shepherd me, O God, beyond my needs, beyond my wants, from death into life.

Gently you raise me and heal my weary soul,
You lead me by pathways of righteousness and truth,
My spirit shall sing the music of your name.


Though I should wander the valley of death,
I fear no evil, for you are at my side,
your rod and your staff,
My comfort and my hope.


You have set me a banquet of love in the face of hatred,
Crowning me with love beyond my power to hold.


Surely your kindness and mercy follow me all the days of my life;
I will dwell in the house of my God for evermore.


Consolation of Christ Bereavement Ministry

Pray for peace through the powerful intercession of Jesus, Mary, St. Michael and St. Francis.